I Dream a World

I dream a world that is not about left or right

But instead about uniting in common fight.

Where values are not shaped by network’s letters

But rather striving, pushing for something better

I dream a world where black and blue matter the same

One where we view life through another’s frame

Where a man can kneel or stand without disgrace

And we can offer perspectives a bit of grace

I dream a world where God is not used for political gain

But instead leads us to empathize another’s pain

Where we may not always see eye to eye

But can work together to understand the why

I dream a world where we can cut beyond the noise

And create hope for our young girls and boys

Where words, decorum, and tact are revered

And history’s lessons are prudently feared

I dream a world where leaders are not bought

But instead embody what we’ve been taught

Taught by King with his wise foresight

To realize darkness must be cast out by the Light

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